yipes! I'm grateful that I have a warped sense of humor to be able to somewhat laugh at this all. My overly religious in-laws raised my very anti religious husband. My husband has not been baptized and does not belong to any faith or church. He goes at the most twice a year, Easter and Christmas, and he won't dress up. He just has these beliefs, without reason. (With money and/or heavy drug use he so could be a cult leader, so in this case our poverty is a blessing) So my inlaws parading about like they are the most pious makes me chuckle. And annoy me. So my father in law has converted to Seventh Day Adventist. Truthfully, I am very unfamiliar with this religion so I asked him over dinner what the basic beliefs were. He told me they originated from the Mennonites (not true, it the Millerites, but he's hard of hearing) and that the Catholic Church is the "Fourth Nation" and when Christ comes we're first to go to hell. He also quoted a bible passage stating that if you confess your sins to anyone else but God it is a sin, therefore Catholics are sinners.(can't find that one) He also threw in some old Catholic bashing rhetoric. So I gave him the "ok, so we're on different teams, but can't you just be happy we play the same sport?" baseball reference. No. (they are already bothered that I told them I had Hindu grandparents, they would go NUTS if I ever divulged that I very likely have Muslim ancestors too) I must see the positive in this, I googled some and learned quite a bit more about Catholism and some about his religion - he probably shouldn't have been eating that cheeseburger and I'm wondering if he ate the pork chops we bought him for Father's Day and I will no longer be offering him BLT's. (apperently they also don't eat pork and most are vegetarians).